Posts in Healthy Living
A Busy Mom’s Workout Routine

Here is a look at my current fitness routine!

As a busy mom of three, squeezing in time for self-care can be really challenging. And really easy to put off. But, if there is one thing I have found out about myself, is that prioritizing fitness helps me stay energized and in a good mood, especially for everything life throws at me. My oldest just turned 7 years old, and over the 7 years since she was born, I’ve found a routine that works around the chaos of my family life—quick, effective, and flexible workouts. And a routine that is sustainable!

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10 Ways To Reduce Your Toxic Load for a Healthier Life

In today’s world, we are constantly hit with a lot of chemicals all of the time. From the bed you sleep in, to what you apply to your body, brush your teeth with, use in the shower, wear as clothes, your makeup, what you put on your hair, all the way to what you drink and eat out of, what you wash your clothes with and what you scent your home with. Chemicals, including those that are not good for you, are around us constantly. And they are accumulating throughout the day. It becomes a cocktail of chemicals we wear and breathe in throughout the day. And no one really talks about it. I don’t necessarily know why people don’t talk about it, but I feel like it’s because large companies who use these chemicals don’t want us to talk about it, and money speaks in large ways sometimes.

So, naturally I am over here talking about it.

I wanted to highlight 10 ways we can reduce the toxic load on our body in our daily life.

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