Blueberry Almond Bites {sugar-free, grain-free}

Routine. It's a word some people see as boring, flat or mundane. But not me.  


I usually write my blog posts at night. After work. After some yoga in my living room. After I cook dinner. And it's also always after I take a walk around my neighborhood - down to the local grocery store and past the Central West End storefronts and all those cute houses, lined up perfectly. Walks give my mind fresh air - thinking about my day, my past, the future... and then, mostly about food things.


Routines can be healthy and calming while also energizing and invigorating. If I didn't have this evening routine, my thoughts would be scattered and my mind in a funk. Plus, it's during my walks that I think about new recipe ideas - like these simple little blueberry bites. Whip these little guys up for a sugar-free afternoon or after-dinner treat!   

Grain-Free Blueberry-Almond Bites {sugar-free}

  • 1 cup Medjool dates, pitted

  • 1/2 cup almonds, roasted

  • 1/3 cup natural almond butter

  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil

  • dash of sea salt

  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

  • 1/4-1/2 cup unsweetened dried blueberries


  1. Place the pitted dates in a food processor and process until finely chopped. Add the almonds and pulse until finely chopped. Add in the almond butter, oil, cinnamon and salt and process until combined. Then, pour into a bowl and stir in (with spoon or hands) the dried blueberries.

  2. Roll the mixture into tablespoon-sized balls. Then, place on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper and either put it in the freezer for a quick-chill, or chill in the refrigerator. You can store these bites for a week in the refrigerator.



You can also press this mixture into a pan, chill & cut into bars.  It's a great snack on-the-go!