spring monster cookies

Sharing a family favorite today!  


I realized that I’ve shared this recipe about once a year for the past five years… So, I might as well share it one more time.  

Because it means that much to me.  

Cookie recipes that stick with me over the years begin to hold memories with each batch I bake.  And that is what this one has done. 

This is a cookie where I can smell the dough and know it’s going to taste on-point.  The peanut butter always hits me first, and then the caramel-like smell of the brown sugar with the vanilla.  It’s the cookie that automatically takes me back to my older sister’s wedding six years ago, when I made these cookies for the reception. I instantly picture the Fall day that to me, seemed absolutely perfect. 


Around Easter, I always seem to make these monster cookies. One - because it’s the only time of year I can find pretty pastel M&M’s.  And two - because these are great for a crowd.  

They usually only last a day (if that) around my large family at home. 

Peanut butter, oats, chocolate chunks and M&M’s… you really can’t go wrong.


Now, this year I won’t be making it home for Easter, but I still made these cookies last weekend to package up.  

These are probably my absolute favorite cookies to share with others. Which is why I must annually share the recipe with you!    

Spring Monster Cookies
(makes about 50 cookies)
1 cup white sugar
1 ¼ cup dark brown sugar
½ cup unsalted butter, softened
1 cup creamy natural JIF peanut butter
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
3 large eggs
4 ¼ cups quick cooking oats
½ cup whole-wheat pastry flour (or all-purpose)
2 tsp. baking soda
pinch of salt
1-2 cups M&M’s (I put more on top of the cookies when they are almost done baking)
¾ cup milk chocolate chips
½ cup semi-sweet chocolate chips  (you can use all semi-sweet or all milk chocolate chips)
- Cream the butter and the sugars together until well combined.  Add in the egg, vanilla and peanut butter until combined.  
-Slowly add in the baking soda, salt, oats and flour until combined.  Stir in M&M’s and chocolate.
- On a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, scoop out large tablespoons of dough. 
- Bake at 350 degrees for about 9-10 minutes, or until the edges are just golden and the middle seems underdone (they will continue to bake as they rest on the pan when you take them out of the oven). Rotate the pans halfway through the baking time.  Then take them out and let sit on the pan for about 5 minutes. Remove and let cool on a wire rack completely. 
- Store in airtight container.  
- These are best shared with a group of friends or family.

So whether it be this batch or your grandmother’s recipe; make something that brings back memories.  Or one that will create new ones.  

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