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Green Avocado Smoothie

here you go…


I am a purist.  I usually start my day straight-up, with just fruit. whole. and sometimes blended in smoothies with yogurt. 

simple, whole foods sit the best with me.  like I always say.  we all roll a little different.  so do what works for you

but we all have days where we need an extra green boost.

so whip this up so make sure your day has some green in it. 


I make it the night before and stick it in the fridge for the next day (I do this because I am usually sprinting out the door in the morning).  but, if you have the time, it is the very best when it is enjoyed right away.

this is killer mid-morning fuel.

plus avocados are my life-line…

 Green Avocado Smoothie

(2 servings)

  • 1 avocado
  • 1 ounce raw almonds (about 24)
  • 1 big handful of kale or spinach leaves, fresh (or ¼ cup frozen)
  • 1 ½ vanilla almond milk or vanilla coconut milk (unsweetened varieties)
  • 1 tablespoon ground flaxseed
  • ¼ cup chopped cucumber, optional
  • ice cubes, if desired


- In a blender or magic bullet, blend up all the ingredients until smooth. 

- Chill until ready to enjoy.

this smoothie is preeeetty green.

you’ve been warned.