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Banana Smoothie  {dairy-free}

Since before I can remember, bananas have always been my go-to. 


Maybe it’s the runner in me.  I remember before every high school cross-country meet I would eat a banana. Then post-race, my fuel usually involved a banana. 

Then, through college and law school when I started to run half-marathon distances, pre-race eats were always a banana and natural PB.  Sure enough, post-race, I was given ½ a banana.  

And you know what?  It’s been more than a decade since I laced up my shoes in high school, and my routine hasn’t changed much.  

It’s funny how you can do something for so long, but it is not until you look back at your actions over the years that you realize… man, I have a banana problem.   


Recently after a long Saturday run, I decided to not just enjoy a banana, but to blend it up in a smoothie. A banana smoothie.  

I am not doctoring this one up with any greens or berries. Because today, the banana is the star. 

This is dairy-free with a bit of anti-inflammatory action thanks to the turmeric.

Banana Smoothie 
(makes 2 servings)
2 large frozen or chilled bananas, chopped
1 cup canned, organic “lite” coconut milk 
½ tsp cinnamon 
Few dashes of turmeric 
Coconut water or chilled water, if needed 
Bee pollen, for topping
- In a blender, blend all of the ingredients until well blended and frothy.  Add chilled water or coconut water if it seems too thick.  Pour into jars and top with bee polled.   

I read that the banana is the first food humans are able to eat as a baby, and the last food they are able to eat before they die. 

These guys are important!