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A Busy Mom’s Workout Routine

As a busy mom of three, squeezing in time for self-care can be really challenging. And really easy to put off. But, if there is one thing I have found out about myself, is that prioritizing fitness helps me stay energized and in a good mood, especially for everything life throws at me. My oldest just turned 7 years old, and over the 7 years since she was born, I’ve found a routine that works around the chaos of my family life—quick, effective, and flexible workouts. And a routine that is sustainable!

And one reminder before I start!!…

My fitness journey after having kids has really loosened. Growing up, I was very active, played four varsity sports in high school, and continued to stay active in college and beyond. I felt like movement and sweating was something I had to be doing all of the time, and at times, I obsessed about it. But, after having kids, I slowed down and stopped working out and running as much. In a good way! I discovered the power of walking (my main form of exercise when pregnant and daily stroller-walks post-baby!). I also realized that you don’t have to spend hours at the gym, but you can get in a good workout in 30 minutes, just a few days a week! I am not always motivated to work out, but I know how much better it makes me feel!!! Any movement is better than none. If you can only walk 15 minutes, walk for 15 minutes!!!! And if I have my kids around, I bring them with me.

Here’s how I stay active each week:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Sweat Workouts

Now that school has started, I am trying to get into more of a routine with my workout schedule. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I stick to a 30-minute workout using the Sweat app. I love that I can roll out my mat at home and dive into a hard HIIT + strength workout without any extra travel time to a studio. I do Kayla Itsine’s High Intensity one! She also has a zero equipment one. This referral link here should get you a free 7-day trial, if you want to try her workouts. It’s a 30-minute workout three days a week. They are each broken up into four, 7-minute segments. I’ve been using this app on and off since 2016!

The Sweat sessions are quick but intense, which means I get a lot out of just half an hour. I will do this in the morning before the kids wake up (they wake up during it and join me!!), or I will do it right after dropping off my kids and before I head into work. I always feel really good and strong when I do this program (I aim for 12 weeks of it! Then I will take a break and start it up again)

Tuesday and Thursday: Walk or Run

In the summer, I did a lot of stroller runs and walks, but now that school has started, I am doing them solo more!

Either early in the morning or once the kids are dropped off at school, I take advantage of the calmer part of my day by going for a walk or run. It’s a great way to clear my mind and get some fresh air before the day fully kicks into gear. Depending on my mood, I will listen to a podcast and walk, or I will listen to my favorite running songs and do a 30-minute run.

Here’s the thing—walking is a workout too!!!! So many people underestimate its benefits, but walking is an incredible way to stay fit. After I had kids, I swore by walking to stay active and also help myself mentally. I truly think walking everyday pushing the stroller is what saved me post-partum.

Let’s round up some key benefits of walking:

  • Boosts Cardiovascular Health: Walking gets your heart pumping, which can help lower blood pressure, improve circulation, and strengthen your heart.

  • Increases Endurance: A consistent walking routine builds endurance, helping you feel more energetic throughout the day (perfect for chasing and playing with your kids!!).

  • Improves Mental Health: Walking (especially outdoors!), reduces stress, clears your mind, and boosts your mood by releasing feel-good endorphins.

  • Low Impact, High Reward: Unlike intense workouts, walking is gentle on your joints, making it a sustainable, long-term exercise that can be done at any fitness level.

  • Promotes Creativity: Walking has been linked to creative thinking. I use it for that a lot!! I often find that my best ideas come when I’m out walking alone, and it’s also a great time to reflect and recharge.

I also love walking with friends! If you need to catch up with a mom friend, take your strollers to the pavement and walk and catch up. Or solo without kids. I will drop the kids off a school and meet a mom friend for a walk to coffee and it’s always the best part of my day!

WEEKEND: Walks or a Run

Weekends are a lot more relaxed, but I still make time to stay active. Whether it’s a short run or a family walk in the AM, I try to move my body in a way that feels good and keeps the weekend mood light. Sometimes we all go out together for a walk - my kids in our strollers or my oldest riding her bike next to us. We will walk to the University City Farmer’s Market or a coffee shop. It’s become a fun family routine over the years and gets us all out of the house (I swear my kids behave better when they have fresh air!).

If I don’t fit in a run during the week, I usually fit in a 30-minute run on either Saturday or Sunday morning.


Finding a fitness routine that fits around my mom life has been key to staying consistent. My workouts are short, accessible, and flexible enough to adapt to whatever surprises the week brings. If I miss a day, I try not to stress and just do it the next day.

So, for any fellow busy moms out there—know that it’s possible to make time for yourself, even in small, manageable chunks. And remember, walking counts as a workout!! Every step gets you closer to a healthier, happier you!

Hope this was helpful to find your own fitness routine. Comment below or reach out to me on Instagram to connect!

