5 Simple Steps to Start Building Your Email List Today

Today is all about an important topic if you have any kind of business or service, small or large.

Starting an Email List.

Starting an email list can feel like a huge task. I know this because I felt that way. My blog is 15 years old, and for most of that time, I did not know how to create an email list, let alone know how to maximize its potential. Flash forward to now and over the more recent years of sharing and selling on social media, I’ve learned that growing your email list is one of the most rewarding ways to grow your community and connect directly with people who want to hear from you. No matter the industry you are in, you can benefit from an email list!

And the good news is that whether you’re a small business owner or just starting out, getting those first subscribers is easier than you might think! That’s a big reason why I created a simple 5-step checklist to kickstart you and get you going. To start thinking about how to not only utilize an email list, but also how to get it started.

If you were like I was, that first step in creating your email list is the hardest part! I know for me; that first step of creating it was what kept me from doing it for years. I had no idea where to start!!!! I also think that is why I am so passionate about using what I have learned to help others. Because I didn’t have that person! Now I want to be that person I was looking for.

Long story short, I am so excited to help you on your own journey to creating and growing your email list.

Why an Email List Matters?

This is a key question! An email list lets you connect on a personal level with your audience. Unlike social media, where posts can be missed or forgotten, emails are direct, creating a consistent, dependable line of communication. You never know when social media will crash (anyone remember in 2021 when both Facebook and Instagram were down?!). You don’t want your business or industry dependent on these channels we cannot control! With an email list, you have a way to share updates, valuable content, or promotions right in your subscribers' inboxes. You get to control it, and not the algorithm!!

If you are selling a service, it also feels easier in email. People want to be entertained on social media, but they subscribe to an email to see the promotions. Ya know?! An email list can create consistent and reliable income for your business.

Ready to Give an Email List a Try?

Download my FREE 5-Step Checklist to Your First Email Subscribers. This is a simple, one-page checklist to kickstart your email list! No matter where you’re starting from.

For a more in-depth look at my step-by-step process of creating an effective landing page to collect emails, grow your audience, send newsletters, and build lasting connections with your subscribers, be sure to check out my "Guide to Create and Grow Your Email List" launching soon!! You will be the first to know when it launches!

P.S. If you have any questions or just want to share your progress, comment below or connect on Instagram! I'd love to hear how it’s going!!

I’m excited to see where this takes you!

And remember - it’s never too late to start today.

MarketingAnna Beck