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Peanut Butter Cookie Bites + Working Mom During COVID-19 Thoughts

Happy weekend!!!

I am going to give you the real real lately. Although we are all home, and in a way life is a bit slower than normal… life is busy! In a different way.

As many of you know, I’ve been a working mom since I took Dylan to our home daycare at 8 weeks old. She is now 2.5 years old, and after having our second child, I finally felt that, although I was stretched very thin, I was starting to be okay with the idea that I am a working mom, giving my children the education at their school while showing them that their mom works hard AND loves hard. We were going through the motions - even though at times feeling as if we were struggling to stay afloat. I was finally able to cut back to part-time in March and took a gasp of air. Still working but also carving out a bit more time to be a mom… and have time to clean and cook ;)

Then 2 weeks later the world turned upside down and the stay home order was in place. Suddenly my husband and I and our two children under 3 years old are to stay home, work from home, and do all the things at home. It’s like there are these expectations to pretend everything is normal and crank out work as if you are alone in your office and able to concentrate. We were both suddenly thrown into the position of stay-at-home parent and working-parent… at the same time. It’s been a tough thing to balance!! We still don’t have it figured out!! It is safe to say the days I have to work my law job, our home is madness.

So although I know how grateful I am to be together (I was able to see Parker crawl for the first time!)… to every mom that has a career they have to do from home with young, very dependent children that need fed, changed, dressed, entertained… all the time… I FEEL YOU. I SEE YOU. And it’s okay to feel like there are days you want to throw in the towel. Because you don’t have even 30 minutes to yourself. My mind is basically mush at this point.

Now, I know it will get better and I will look back and miss this time together. My children will be heading back to their home daycare as my office opens and I will probably only think about all the good times we had together at home. So when I spiral out with stress, I think of the silver linings in all of this! I know it has made us even stronger.

So now that I spilled that out and got it off my chest… here are some cookie bites! But seriously, they are little peanut butter bites that taste like peanut butter cookies! I blend up the ingredients in a food processor. You could even drizzle with melted chocolate for a real treat.

Peanut Butter Cookie Bites

  • 1/2 cup natural peanut butter

  • 1 cup oats

  • 2 Tbsp maple syrup

  • splash of vanilla extract

  • Optional: protein powder (add a little coconut oil or more maple syrup if you include protein powder because the mixture may be too dry)


  1. In a food processor, blend all of the ingredients. Add a little coconut oil or more maple syrup if the mixture feels too dry. Blend until fine. It should press and stick together in your hands when you shape into balls.

  2. Press and shape into balls. Store in fridge.

  3. Will make about 12-14 balls.